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Open Call for German Artists
K.A.I.R. – Košice Artist in Residence with the support of Goethe – Institut in Slovakia invites artists from Germany to apply for three month residency in Košice, Slovakia

Roos van Dijk: Never Be the Same Again
Roos van Dijk will present the outcome of the three month long residency on the 21st of November in Kasarne/Kulturpark. Roos got inspired by the specific built environment of Košice – panel block areas monotonous in shape and variable in the colour palette of the facades. You are more than welcome to join us for the opening on the 21st of November at 18:00 in November pavilion at Kasarne/Kultrupark, Kukučínova 2, Košice.

British Express opens the visual scene of the British Isles
The exhibition project British Express/Britský expres, one of the key and final projects of ECOC this year, brings a sample of contemporary visual art in the form of the works of 25 authors and presents the influence of strong pop-art lessons and the personality of Andy Warhol on the contemporary British art scene on several levels.

The exhibition – Petra Římalová: Príbehy kasární
Petra Římalová is a Czech artists working primarily with video, 3D modulation and animation. She came to Košice at the beginning of September as part of our artist in residence cooperation with Pilsen 2015. In the last two months Petra has been working on a topic of genius loci of Kasarne. She tries to capture the historical […]