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Hungarian Cooperation in Kosice 2013 Programme

The Slovakian city of Kosice is preparing its European Capital of Culture 2013 programme with Hungarian cooperation.   Among the events on the programme involving Hungarian assistance are ones that showcase the Hungarian writer Sándor Márai, who was born in Kosice. Flóra Ondová Reiter, who is in charge of the Márai project, said the organisers […]

White Night, literature and the blue wall/www.2010lab.tv

White Night festival, known as Nuit Blanche did bring art in miscellaneous forms on 32 stages. One of them was dedicated to literature. Beautiful atmosphere was created at the puppet theater Jorik. Live reading, video projection, performance… It was presented with less words and more images. Four video projections and some lights have been used […]

Biela noc, Kosice/ colinmcpherson.blogspot.com

Almost on cue, that song was playing in the taxi from the station to the hotel in Kosice. You know the one, the massive international hit which defined a moment and inspired a generation but was regarded as no more than a sing-along in England. No, not that Adele song that everyone belts out, but […]

Slovakia. The hidden treasure of Eastern Europe/ BBC

Andy Mossack takes a journey around Slovakia’s wonderful countryside and ends up in Kosice, the medieval town looking forward to being the Capital of Culture in 2013. http://www.andymossack.co.uk/BBC_radio_travel_reviews.html

Biela noc 2011: Movie marathon/www.youtube.com

The mobile video installation, called “Movie Marathon” , allows viewers to watch a video montage of famous running scenes from movies during a run around the center of the city. The video is accompanied by different ambient sounds of nature. The entire project reflects on today’s fast urbanistic lifestyle, or rather on having any rest […]

Speaking French is not an unattainable dream / spectator.sk


Reshaping the identity of a city / spectator.sk


Discovering hometown secrets

Košice tours use history to engage locals and expats IT’S usual to sightsee, learn new facts about historical sites, and meet foreigners while abroad, but some residents of Košice have been doing it without leaving home.They take part in the “Wanders in Košice,” monthly guided tours involving locals and some English-speaking foreigners that the City […]

FORUM : [Slovakia] European Capital of Culture 2013 (Košice, Martin, Nitra, Prešov)


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