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Exhibition – Jerusalem in the palm of your hand
Between May 6th and May 30th, the Theological faculty on Hlavná ulica in Košice hosted an exhibition by an Israeli photograph and pilot Dubi Tala, which offered the local inhabitants an opportunity to embark on an unusual journey to the biblical city of Jerusalem. The exhibition had been facilitated by The Embassy of Israel in the Slovak Republic.The photography exhibition and the concert of an Israeli choir Zimrat Haarec on May 8 in Košice were organized to commemorate the 60th anniversary of founding the state of Israel. The local Jewish community, too, honored this occasion in the city, where the Jewish inhabitants constituted a substantial part of city population until World War II.zl
Košice received offer to cooperate with Turkish Bursa and future capital of culture 2010 Istanbul
Turkish Bursa, partner city to Košice, welcomes the application of the principal town of the east of Slovakia for nomination as European Capital of Culture (ECOC) 2013 and proposes assistance and cooperation in the organisation of joint cultural projects. Istanbul, the future capital of culture in 2010, is also going to give us some precious pieces of advice.The Košice-Bursa partnership commenced in 2000 by singing the partnership agreement on cooperation. When the representatives of Košice: František Knapík, the Mayor, Eduard Buraš and Norbert Lukán, the city councillors and Marek Kolárčik and Roman Sorger, the ECOC 2013 project team members, last visited Turkey on April 27-29, 2008, the Mayors of both cities made an agreement to revive cooperation in the cultural sectors. Both teams agreed to prepare a joint supporting project for 2008-2009 and a programme package under the ECOC application of Košice. “Building on the basis of this agreement, intensive cooperation will be developed between the two cities which have many subjects in common and many options for mutual benefits. This is the onset of partnership between the cities which, among others, are linked through 150 years of common history,“ said R. Sorger who added that the Evangelical church in Štítnik would become a symbol of this mutual cooperation. “The church was originally Catholic, adorned by rare frescos. Later, it was taken over by the Protestants who also left behind their strong aesthetic signature. At the time of the Turkish reign, a crescent moon appeared on top of the church roof and remained perching there up to the present day.“The Košice team and representatives of the art schools and drama schools in Bursa had discussions on some specific joint projects. E. Buraš made an invitation for the city officials and art ensembles from Bursa to participate in the European Cultural Festival of Nations and Nationalities whose 9th year is to be held last week of August in Košice. “Traditionally, the festival is attended by about ten European countries. This year we will likely pay the greatest attention to the Turkish city of Bursa. No ensemble from Turkey has ever been presented in this festival. The Bursa party gave us a positive response to our invitation and will consider their participation in the festival,” explained E. Buraš.The encounter of the ECOC teams from Košice and Istanbul was also important for the agreement they made on some specific forms of cultural cooperation to practise. Istanbul will be the European Capital of Culture in 2010 along with Hungarian Pécs and German Essen. The representatives of Košice were received by Nuri Ăolakočlu, the chairman of the Executive Board for the Istanbul ECOC 2010 and by the members of the Istanbul team. “Nuri Ăolakočlu introduced their team organisational and financial schemes, the European capital of culture network and the young artist network. He showed a positive attitude to the participation of Košice within these networks. The teams of the nomination projects agreed to specify in details several joint projects to be implemented under the Košice supporting campaign. The teams also agreed on the main topics to develop in greater detail under the application of Košice,” added R. Sorger.Text: Zuzana Lehotská
Lyon and Košice Supported Close Cooperation
On April 30, 2008, František Knapík, the Mayor of Košice and Hubert Julien-Laferriere, the Vice-president of the Agglomeration of Lyon acting for the mayor of Lyon, gave their voice again to the mutual cooperation between the two cities in the fields of art and culture in the meeting attended by the representatives of both Košice 2013 and Lyon 2013 project teams. Both teams met on the occasion of the “Something is Red” performance, the joint project of IC Culture Train (Košice) and Lá Hors de (Lyon) under the Days of French Culture events in Košice. The collaboration between the cities of Košice and Lyon was launched in 2007 while preparing their applications for nomination as the European Capital of Culture 2013 and is now a very tangible and fine example of open and mutually beneficial cooperating. The two cities so different in size and cultural background wish to take part in developing the European ideas and, in doing so, become laboratories of art and culture. “Convinced of the benefit of the stable and sustained partnership to the nominations of both cities, the cities wish to submit to the international jury the applications of these two partner and befriended cities to reflect the will of both cities to carry out joint art and cultural projects in the future. This wish of both cities has already been fulfilled when taking shape of some specific art and cultural projects. Some of them were put in life in 2007–2008, others are to be carried out in the months and years to come regardless of the results of the European Capital of Culture 2013 selection process,“ says the Memorandum of Cooperation, which both city representatives supported. Alena Vachnová
CAFÉ DE LA GARE French Photography in a Single Collection of the Château d’Eau Gallery
This exhibition brings together several generations of French photographers, ranging from great humanists to the young modern artists. On all accounts, this is an uncommon view of the Man, of the others, the view which is animating the images in the pictures. The present selection of the works lets us identify three important periods: 1960´s – 1980´s The period bears the mark of poetic realism, so characteristic for the French school of reportage. Robert Doisneau, Willy Ronis, Edouard Boubat, Izis and others have a rapt look at the society and prefer poetic and lyrical view of the world while putting the Man in the spotlight. The period is also important for the Magnum Agency /1/ and for the impact of Henri Cartier-Bresson: framing accuracy, selection of the ´decisive moment´ /2/, or for the respect for natural light. This all can now be seen in the pictures by Marc Riboud a Guy Le Querrec. 1980´s – 1990´s Triggered by Cahiers de la photographie /3/ (Books of Photography) and by the release of La chambre claire (Light Chamber) by Roland Barthes, the period drifts away such photography action which leads to more autobiographic approaches, to experiments placing the photographer into the centre of his shots. The subject wide-spoken is creative photography (Gladys). This photography fosters a less demonstrative view (Luc Chery), a rather unrestrained view of the world (Bernard Plossu, Stéphane C.), a view asking more questions (Raymond Depardon), a view more literary and poetic in nature (Denis Roche, Sarah Moon). Since 1990´s we have been witnessing a radical change showing a transition to colour photography and to large-size shots. Photography steps into the field of contemporary art. These art designers “use” photography to explore urban landscape and to confront void or transitive space (Olivier Metzger, Eric Aupol). Those following the traditional land art conduct a dialogue with the reality in place in order to modify the perception of the reality (Laurent Millet). Others, on the other hand, break the borders between fiction and reality when using technical tricks in order to tear off the mask of some false certainties (Corinne Mercadier). Nevertheless, the greatest development has been apparently observed in the portrait making. The changeover took several years to begin with a psychological approach driven by empathy for the person photographed, which, actually, abided by the tradition of true portrait (Gisele Freund, Richard Dumas); then it went through an experimentation phase (Jean-François Bauret – nudes) to be later followed by a modern-time production aspiring to keep a fair distance and objectivity, and to drain all psychology off photography in order to have more sociological, even more political approach to photography where the Man is judged in terms of his affiliation to a certain social group (Dominique Delpoux, Charles Fréger). Based on the peculiarities of its own history, photography becomes an image among other images in order to deliver a new understanding of the world. LE CHATEAU D’EAU, TOULOUSEThis gallery was established in 1974 by Jean Dieuzaide. It is the oldest public gallery in France exclusively devoted to photography. The Château d’Eau Collection, which is made up of the pieces bought from the exhibiting authors, possesses now almost 5,000 photographs. Since its founding Château d’Eau has held more than 400 exhibitions. Focused on presenting all aspects of photography, the gallery shows photos of young talents as well as of the authors of distinguished names making the history of photography. Explanatory Notes: 1. Photography agency founded in 1947 by Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger and David Seymour.2. “The decisive moment” refers to a concept of photography, which Cartier-Bresson created and which centres on the moment the photographer catches – the moment of the story. 3. Les Cahiers de la photographie is a magazine created by Denis Roche, Bernard Plossu, Gille Mora, Claude Nori.4. The main work of reflections on the photographic image written by Roland Barthes, the French philosopher exploring symbols.Jean-Marc Lacabe: The French photography is centred on the Man. “The exhibition is special for its summary of French photography of several decades. At the heart of the French fine art photography is a human being. Fine art photographers in France mainly capture scenes of life. The exhibition opens up with the photographs from the 1930´s and proceeds to the post-war time pictures. I call these two periods a humanistic period of fine art photography in France. The exhibition also displays photographs from the 1980´s and 1990´s which may be denoted as pictures of rather intimate character. These artists are not reluctant to take pictures of their families on holidays to turn them into fine art photography,“ mentioned Jean-Marc Lacabe, the Director of the Château d’Eau Gallery in Toulouse in regard of the Café de la gare exhibition. Text: Zuzana Lehotská
Lodź: We chose to work together with none but the best
The rumours of the Košice project also reached Lodź, the second largest city in Poland. Their young project team catches our fancy when obeying the sense of the saying ´it is better to see once than hear a hundred of times´ as they decided to see the plans of the Košice project team with their own eyes. “Our city is among the hottest candidates from Poland. That´s why we chose to work together with the best applicants for the nomination only. This, in particular, made us arrive in Košice where we would like to establish very close cooperation with your city. We had learned about your project before we came over and it had really appealed to us,” said Krzysztof Candrowicz, the director of the project team in Lodź. The appointment has revealed a few characteristics which the two project teams have in common. They both have a similar approach to the project-making as they aim at innovations, creativity and breaking down of cultural stereotypes. “We agreed on some programme exchanges. As early as this year young film directors from Poland should be given a chance to present their films in Košice”, Alena Vachnová from the Košice project team disclosed one of the specific outputs of the appointment. Lodź is applying for the prestige title of the European Capital of Culture for as late as 2016. The Polish application for the nomination was initiated by a well-established and functioning non-profit organisation called Lodź Art Centre receiving supported of the city. The Polish partners take the application for the ECOC nomination really serious. The very act of making the application is preceded by about one and half year long promotion campaign. Their plan is to launch the preparation of the application project well in advance, even this year. This nearly one million Polish city annually holds 40 international festivals of culture. Culture feels at home in this city which was before 1991 known mainly for its textile industry. “The Polish partners were especially impressed by the project of rebuilding the barracks. Lodź plans to apply a similar project to the industrial halls which were left abandoned after the close-down of the textile factories“, added Vachnová.
Ostrava decided to apply for nomination as European Capital of Culture 2015 and called at Košice for some valuable advice
Their decision to arrive in Košice was spontaneous, said Radana Zapletalova, the chair of board of culture in Ostrava. “Košice is our partner city and among others a number of official and unofficial bonds bring us together. We were very much inspired by your applying for nomination as ECOC. We are now just preparing for the same process. Much like we wish you won the ECOC 2013 title we wish the same could happen to us in 2015. We came to draw inspiration and pick up some experience“, said Zapletalová. The fellow team from Ostrava grew impressed by no less than several things about the Košice project ranging from the logo to some specific ideas included in the project. “I think the heat exchanger idea is really good. It makes a heart of the project. I should think this has spoken to the project evaluators as well. There is this feel that the whole team is after one thing: make Košice the European Capital of Culture for 2013 and for good”.
French city of Lyon shares the candidacy for the prestigious European Capital of Culture 2013 title, which will be awarded to one Slovak and one French city this year. Common presentation of candidacy and partnership between Košice and Lyon, which both joined their national contests for the ECC title, is one-of-a-kind amongst the candidate cities. “The cities will briefly present their candidacies, then continue with the existing collaboration and vision of their common efforts,” declared Marek Kolárčik, project team manager of Košice’s candidacy for the ECC 2013, on the course of the presentation in Brussels. Mr. Mayor František Knapík, ECC 2013 project manager Mr. Marek Kolárčik, and project dramaturg, Mr.Roman Sorger, will represent Košice. Mr. Mayor Gérard Collomb, and Deputy Mayor for Culture Ms.Patrice Beghain will head Lyon project team. The presentation will take place under the auspices of the Vice-Chair of the European Parliament, Ms. Martine Roure, and the Ambassador of the SR to the European Union, Mr. Maroš Šefčovič. Why was there an alliance between Košice and Lyon? The cities share several common characteristics, which are excellent prerequisites for collaboration. Košice, as well as Lyon, is the second largest city in the country; it is traditionally a university and industrial centre, as well as historic military town, with rich history. “Exchange of information, experience and consultancy went on throughout the year. We organized mutual visits and we signed the Memorandum on collaboration. We will be conducting several joint projects as early as next year. We have prepared big projects for the magical year of 2013,” added Ms. Vachnová. Presentation on partnership and collaboration between the cities of Košice and Lyon will take place at the announcement of the official candidacy for the ECC 2013 at the representative office of the French region Rhône-Alpes in Brussels on November 2O, 2007 at 18:30 Information: Marek Kolárčik, project team manager of Košice ‘s candidacy for the ECC 2013, Alena Vachnová, project team member of Košice ‘s candidacy for the ECC 2013, Roman Sorger, project dramaturg of Košice ‘s candidacy for the ECC 2013, Tel.:+421 55 68 54 299, +421 55 69 64 279; E-mail: ehmk@kosice.sk www.kosice13.sk
The organizer of the third year of Opera as we do not know it project arranged an unusual merge of Mozart and libretto from the time of communism- String orchestra Musica Iuvenalis thus sought to bring opera closer to young people. This year Opera as we do not know it will host Mozart’s Theatre Director. ” Timeless libretto of this endearing comedy inspired us to place the plot into the times of communism of 1970s. The Slovak and Polish cast includes singers and actors of the State Theater in Košice and a Polish solo singer. Pavel Orski from Poland will direct the performance,” stated Igor Dohovič. String orchestra Musica Iuvenalis was established in 1964. It is currently active at the Elementary Art School of Mária Hemerková on Hlavná ulica in Košice. Orchestra consists chiefly of secondary school and university students, or adults, who pursue amateur music career. Current orchestra art manager Igor Dohovič has been leading it since 1997. Multiple first prizes from the European youth music festival in Neerpelte in Belgium, shot Musica Iuvenalis to the top of its category in Europe. Project Opera is we do not know it is a project supporting Košice’s candidacy for European Capital of Culture 2013. www.kosice13.sk More information at www.musicaiuvenalis.sk Text: Zuzana Lehotská
NONpoetry – series of literary evenings including presentation of video art, performance, and music bands. NONpoetry project aims to establish ongoing literary evenings filled with high quality literature, which had been lacking in Košice for a rather long time. They will pose an opportunity to meet with reputable authors, which is a new phenomenon in Košice region, since there was no forum in the past for young aspiring authors to have noted writers confront their work, to meet with other authors and audience. We seek to form a common forum for regular presentation of work by reputable authors, and young aspiring authors in literature, theater and music. NONpoetry evenings should become a motivation factor to stimulate new production and new cultural hub in the Košice region, and to pose as a safety net for new talents. Literary evenings will take place on a monthly basis, and they should incorporate presentations of young authors engaging in literary, theater (performance), fine art (video art), and music production. The evenings will be enhanced by author reading sessions held by renowned writers from Košice, Slovakia, even Europe, as well as by presentation of recent and older book publications. All concerned will get an opportunity to influence the final form and atmosphere of the evening by presenting their work. Literary evenings seek to bridge various artistic forms (e.g. merging the presentation of literary texts with visual projection and music into a symbiotic unit providing mutual interpretation). Literary evenings will also include literary club meetings organized every Friday after the literary evening. They will provide a platform for discussions on literature, presented texts, etc. Art pieces presented at literary evenings NONpoetry, along with interviews of renowned writers, will be published in a low-budget magazine. Mgr. Oliver Tomáš – Project coordinator