Creative Economy
Creative economy and the creative sphere bring direct interconnection between culture and the economy in the form of an innovative approach to traditional forms of management. It is joining the untraditional and almost controversial – economics/industry – with art. Small inputs using human potential and outputs which significantly influence city development rank creative spheres amongst new trends in the development of European cities.
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Transforming Košice
Creative economy has the ability to transform Košice into an economically more active and more attractive place to live. One of the basic strategies for supporting creative spheres is incubators for small and medium subjects acting in the area of creative industry (e.g. design, the media, architecture, music production, film, IT, computer games, etc). Establishment of the Centre for Supporting Culture and Creativity (CSCC ) in the Kasárne/Culture Park therefore naturally becomes part of the Interface 2013 project.
Several international conferences were organised in Košice within the creative economy project: Shaping the Future (September 2010), Shaping the New, Kasárne/Kulturpark Košice (June 2011), Policies for Social Era, and East Slovakia Gallery Košice (December 2011). In September 2013, we will organise an international conference focusing upon building a brand and creating a creative city. The invited world experts will speak of creativity as a basic resource in cities, about creative tourism and the city as a source of talent, diversity and economic growth.
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Creativity and development
Based on experience to date, the prepared foundation materials, the experience of partners from the European Creative Business Network (ECBN ) or the British Council in Slovakia, and collecting information and mapping Košice, the collection of relevant date shall still continue in order to create a whole image of the cultural and creative industry, to understand the potential of people working in the creative and cultural industry for the economic and social development of the region and the creation of jobs. These efforts will gradually lead to the creation of an international working group and subsequent preparation of long term strategy and a plan of activities within the system of the cultural and creative industry – e.g. applying for the UNESCO Creative City of Media Arts title, creating an incubator – educational centre or creative cluster).
Residential stays
Within the European Creative Business Network, we are preparing residential stays – programmes for exchange and acknowledgment of the creative environment and market within European Union member states. The aim is to exchange experience and unify the environment of a creative industry in Europe. We are preparing various forms of residences from short informational visits and training in the environment of a foreign country, to long term residences with the aim of getting to know the creative environment in the given country (Rotterdam, Graz, Dortmund, Malmö, etc.).
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Creative Trade Mission
Apart from residences, the Košice 2013 project team, in cooperation with the ECBN , is implementing a Creative Trade Mission, connecting entrepreneurs and subjects from the creative industry within one day or three day meetings.
Other activities
Other supporting and educational activities will also take place in the coming period 2012 – 2013 (e.g. Family leaders – seeking new personalities in this area, Fashion Pop up – supporting fashion design and local brands, Smarter & Worker seminars and workshops, then Talent Campus – an event for young directors, producers and students, We Have a Band – seeking musical talents, etc.).
Our main aim in 2013 is to establish a Creative Cluster which, on the Coalition 2013+ platform, will take over some activities in the area of education, promotion and support of the creative industry in Košice and the whole East Slovakia region.