
Cultural cooperation between historic towns in Eastern Slovakia: Košice, Prešov, Levoča, Sabinov and Bardejov
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Participation in the cultural life
Within its focus, via artistic, educational and supporting activities, the Pentapolitana project aims to attract the widest possible part of the public, to encourage their interest and participation in the cultural life in towns, to widen the public audience as well as to create a network of cultural operators from municipalities and the third sector. It is an assembly of activities and cooperation between Košice 2013, n. o. and cultural operators, not only in the Pentapolitana towns themselves, but also with other towns who have expressed interest in cooperating (e.g. Poprad, Vysoké Tatry, Kežmarok, Medzilaborce, Stará Ľubovňa, Rožňava and others). Based on a Memorandum of Cooperation, Prešov is the main partner in this project. The subject of the Pentapolitana projects are three main thematic programmes formed.
Created in
The main theme of the second programme, ”Created in…” is the support of alternative cultures, local artists and the club scene in cities with options for cultural and free time tourism. Special attention is being paid to educational activities and creative workshops as well as competitions for young talent in the culture, art and the creative industry. Programme activities include the following: In the City, Oscar City, Growing Up talent competition, Artistic Quarters, research of authentic culture From the Village to the State, Prešov Urban(t)est etc.
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Return to values
The dominant theme of the first project, “Return to Values“ is processing the historical context of the Pentapolitana towns, displaying historic events and personalities, and their current interpretation in a form accessible to the wide public. The Return to Values programme includes the following activities: The 600 Years of Pentapolitana event, Imaginations open air theatre event, Cathedrals of Pentapolitana film, publishing of books for the blind in Braille within the Life in a Dark Blue World project, etc.
Regional Culture Corridors
The third programme includes Regional Culture Corridors, with cross-border cooperation between the Pentapolitana towns with their partners over the border, mainly in Ukraine (Uzhhorod, Mukachevo), in Hungary (Miskolc, Abaújszántó, Sárospatak, Budapest, Pécs) and in Poland (Krakow, Stary Sacz, Gorlice, Jaslo, Krosno and Krynica). The aim of the programme is to widen knowledge of mutual values, history and culture on both sides of the border and use this potential for presenting the wider Euro-Carpathian region and possibilities for cultural tourism.
From the top events of the Pentapolitana programme for 2013, let us mention: Pentapolitana Days in Košice, Oscar Night in Sabinov, Days of Master Pavol in Levoča, Theatre Pentapolitana, Meeting Music, Festival of Euro-pean Folk Ballads, issuing the publication entitled 44 Personalities, Cathedrals of Pentapolitana film, Young Art Blood youth competition.