Terra Incognita
An independent programme initiated by the regional municipality to support culture and the development of tourism by creating a choice of destinations and services
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Cultural heritage
The main theme is cultural heritage distributed and preserved in three thematic routes – Iron, Gothic and Wine.
The historic potential of individual villages and towns in the Košice region have therefore created unique routes which visitors can take and get to know not only the basic historic themes of individual routes, but also experience the unique atmosphere of cultural, sports and other events offered by these routes.
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Specific aim:
To improve the cultural background, awareness and cultural life of regional inhabitants. To increase the capacity of actors and the quality of provided cultural services in the region. Improving the quality of the cultural, sports and free time infrastructure for domestic and foreign tourists:
- permanent and improved quality choice of cultural services in selected destinations in 2013 (donation scheme Ti-infrastructure)
- 13 events at entry points on individual routes (individual projects – direct tasks)
- accompanying events in target places (donation scheme TO P events)
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Long term aim:
To increase the quality of life and number of visitors to the Košice region via developing culture, sports, free time activities and tourism.
- Košice Self-Governing Region,
- public associations of individual routes,
- 13 entry points,
- 87 target places