Dátum a čas:
Sunday - 01. 09. 2013 - 0:00

Miesto konania:
Historické centrum mesta (Dolná brána)

The BAZZART Festival will be presented as a weekly festival for the first time. The theme of its activities this year is education. We will start an autumn wave of design weeks in Košice, which will take place all around Europe. The BAZZART Festival will bring a first class exhibition of contemporary design accompanied by educational activities in the form of workshops. This year we will emphasise the dominance of the EDU zone in which we will bring 13 subjects to Slovakia and abroad. The number 13 will become significant since there are designers from 13 former European Capitals of Culture in the design section, 13 subjects in education and 13 specialist lectures. However, the BAZZART Festival will bring much more in the form of three professional workshops before the festival opens. As usual, the festival will carry a spirit of creativity.

Organiser: BAZZART

Partners: Košice 2013, n. o., Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, City of Košice, Taylor & Wharton

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