Milan Sládek: Way of the Cross
Dátum a čas:
Thursday - 21. 03. 2013 - Saturday - 23. 03. 2013 - 0:00
Miesto konania:
Dóm sv. Alžbety
A pantomime performance by the famous mime artist, Milan Sládek, on the theme of Jesus‘ Way of the Cross wonderfully completes the Lent period. The Way of the Cross performance is a unique piece suggestively presenting each of the fourteen stationswhich illustrate the final moments of Jesus Christ. The atmosphere is accompanied by an organ composition by Marcel Dupré with the same name, the Way of the Cross. The performances will, untraditionally, take place in the Košice Roman Catholic St. Elizabeth‘s Cathedral as well as in the Greek Catholic Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God. Then they will be followed by performances in the Prešov Church of St. Nicholas and in the Greek Catholic church in Svidník. The performance is without words, accompanied by music and galanty show. The main role will be played by Mr. Milan Sládek (1938, Straženice), renowned Slovak mime artist, choreographer, director and world renowned pedagogue, who initiated the establishment of the Gaukler International Mime Festival, was awarded the Prize of the City of Bratislava, the Ľudovít Štúr Prize, and others.
Organiser: Pressburg production, s.r.o.
Partners: Košice 2013, Roman Catholic Church, Košice, Greek Catholic Eparchy, Košice, Roman Catholic Church, Prešov, Greek Catholic Eparchy, Prešov