New Dance Days
Dátum a čas:
Monday - 21. 10. 2013 - Sunday - 27. 10. 2013 - Celodenná akcia
Miesto konania:
Place: Kasárne/Kulturpark, Košice State Theatre
The international festival of contemporary dance is conceived as a biennale. This is the first time a festival of contemporary dance of its type has been held in Eastern Slovakia. It has been established with the aim of building a platform and a stable background for contemporary dance and present prominent Slovak and foreign choreographers and dancers. The festival will be attended by ensembles such as Balet of Steta Theatre Košice, The Symptoms (Hungary), Charlotte Öfverholm (Sweden), Polish dance theatre (Poland), CobosMika (Spain) and others. The festival will bring to Košice the first international presentation of the current scene and new trends in the area of contemporary dance. A priority of the event is to present the original creations of young artists. Accompanying events will include workshops by known choreographers as well as chats. The project will actively involve the existing dance environment,
conservatoires, dance schools, dance clubs and professionals.
Organiser: Košice2013 n.o., Barracks/Culture Park
Partners: Hungarian Consulate, Košice, French Alliance, Bratislava, Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, Hungarian Consulate Košice, French Alliancie Bratislava, EU Japan Fest, Ministry of culture of Poland
21.10. 20:00 Yuzo Ishiyama/A.P.I.: QWERTY, radi- (JP)
State theatre Košice, 15€, tickets in State Theatre
22.10. 20:00 SHIFT: PIECES (SK, Košice), Kasárne Kulturpark, 5€ PRIEMIERE!!!!!
23.10. 20:00 CobosMika: Hidden, Choice (ES) Kasárne Kulturpark, 7€
24.10. 20:00 Charlotta Ofverholm: YOUWILLDIEANDU2 (SE) Kasárne Kulturpark, 7€
25.10 20:00 The Symptoms: Apropos (HU) Kasárne Kulturpark, 5€ CHANGE!!!!!
26.10. 18:00 Polish dance theatre: Hello, Stranger! (PL) Kasárne Kulturpark, 7€
26.10. 20:00 Elledanse: Tajdych (SK) Kasárne Kulturpark, 7€
27.10. 18:00 420 people: WIND –UP , Small Hour (CZ) KAsárne Kulturpark, 7€
27.10. 20:00 State Theatre Ballet: CHaOtica, State theatre Košice, 15€, tickets in State theatre CHANGE!!!!!
Tickets on performance in Kasárňach Kulturpark you can buy 1 hour before performance, but reservations on
Related program:
contemporary dance workshops, dance room: Kasárne Kulturpark, 1€ (capacity is limited):
23. 10. 2013 o 15:00 – 16:30 Charlotta Ofverholm
24. 10. 2013 o 15:00 – 16:30 Peter Mika
24.10.2013 o 17:00 – 18:30 Yuzo Ishiyama
25.10. 2013 o 15:00 – 16:30 Yuzo Ishiyama
26. 10. 2013 o 10:00 – 11:30 Pawel Malicki
26.10.2013 o 14:00 – 15:30 Václav Kuneš
27. 10. 2013 o 10:00 – 11:30 Yuzo Ishiyama
27.10.2013 o 14:00 – 15:30 Yuzo Ishiyama