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Kosice 2013 European Capital of Culture is amazed by GuoGuang Opera Company from Taiwan
On Sunday, June 23 2013 evening a crowd started to flow into the State Theatre in Košice. Everybody was eager to see a unique musical performance presented by the GuoGuang Opera Company from Taiwan in Košice this year as a part of their European tour. After successful performances in Poland, Hungary and Denmark, also Slovak people had the chance to see, for the first time ever, the unusual performance of traditional art from far Asia – the Monkey King.
Yuri Dojc exhibits in Košice
YURI Dojc, a renowned SlovakCanadian photographer, has been engaged in a long-term project that delves into the past, bringing to life items that were were abandoned long ago by people who perished. The most recent stage of the project, called Last Folio, focuses on the Jewish community in eastern Slovakia and is installed in a fitting location: the old “Small Synagogue”in Košice. “Košice … is playing host to all aspects of culture in the region – once the far-eastern hub of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, where Poles, Hungarians, Slovaks, Ukrainians and Jews co-existed in a truly multicultural space,” a press release accompanying the exhibition states about this eastern-Slovak city.
Košice brings Slovak culture to Marseilles
THE EUROPEAN Capital of Culture (ECOC) is a title awarded each year to two European cities. This year Košice and Marseilles have the honour of hosting the event. Košice secured its ECOC 2013 title in September 2008, representing the ‘new’ EU member countries, while Marseilles represents the established EU member states (the EU15). At the end of May, Košice representatives offered a taste of Slovak culture to their French counterparts.
Košice seeks new air link to London
KOŠICE, which is one of two holders of the title European City of Culture 2013, wants to be connected by air with London in order to attract more foreign tourists.

European Capital of Culture Celebrated in Košice
The National Bank of Slovakia have issued (25th February) a new collector’s coin which marks both the appointment of a Slovakian city as European Culture Capital for 2013 as well as highlights the historical city as a world recognized preservation site.
Creative Košice Part 1
Košice has always been a vibrant and unique city. The multicultural city of eastern Slovakia has won the title European Capital of Culture which has brought many new opportunities. Not only new cultural events, but also investment projects, revitalization of the city and its transformation to a modern cultural and creative city of European significance. […]
The story of Košice’s new multipurpose project
The European Capital of Culture (ECOC) is a European project, therefore the team of ECOC wanted to present it even further than just in the surrounding region. The need and the idea were there for a long time. The question was how to manage the technical, organizational and visual side of presenting the ECOC project […]
K.A.I.R. – Košice Artist in Residence – An opportunity for artists to gain new experience
The fact that Košice is about to become the European Capital of Culture in 2013 has opened new possibilities for the local cultural scene and activists. One of the advantages brought by the project are cultural residencies, where various artists are invited to come to Košice and create here, and vice versa, artists from Košice […]
Interview with project manager of SPOTs, Blanka Berkyová
The SPOTs project is one of two key projects of INTERFACE 2013. With this key project Košice won the title of European Capital of Culture 2013. It´s aim is to reconstruct the unused heat exchanger stations, to promote cultural development in large settlements. The reconstructed stations will serve as Edge Cultural Points (ECP) and support the process […]
The Košice Pentapolitana project
An interview with Peter Neuwirth, member of the team Kosice 2013 responsible for the Pentapolitana project. http://www.2010lab.tv/en/blog/kosice-pentapolitana-project-part1
Spotlight on Kosice, Slovakia
The eastern Slovakian city of Košice, second largest after the capital Bratislava, is on the river Hornád and near the border with Hungary. It’s also quite near the Ukraine and Poland. Košice (together with Marseille) is to become a 2013 European Capital of Culture. http://blog.sunshine.co.uk/spotlight-kosice-slovakia/
Košice 2013 promotes artistic residency
In the frame of European Capital of Culture the NGO Košice 2013 is running an international Artist-in-Residence program for emerging artists from all over the world and out of all artistic disciplines and expressions. It is given to the residents the possibility to become a cultural pioneer and work in the inspire environment of Košice’s […]